Knowing what to put in your email marketing campaign is as important as actually creating an email. They say that “the money is in your list”, but if you don’t send out regular emails, you’ll miss out on the additional income that your list can generate through nurturing great customer relationships.
Knowing what to include in your email marketing campaigns can be such a time waster! Many business owners get completely blocked by this, give up, and don’t send out an email at all. Today, I am ensuring this never happens to you by giving you 9 different ideas for content that you can include in your next email.
Remember, it’s important to not over think each email marketing campaign you send. Keep them simple, not too long, and always point the reader to something they can buy, share or do.
1. Tips and Tricks – It’s great to include a list of tips and tricks for your readers in your email marketing campaigns. Maiden’s Tip – send a list of ten tips or tricks that involves putting your services or products to their best use.
2. Special Offers – You don’t have to send out a special offer every email but if once a month or so you offer your newsletter subscribers an offer that no one else is getting just for being a subscriber, you’ll make them feel special. People love the feeling of membership and exclusivity.
3. Engagement Opportunities – Give your email marketing subscribers an inside way to meet up with you, either through live meetups or online webinars. Having a webinar every two months is a great way to engage your subscribers. Maiden’s Tip – Google Hangouts is a great way to accomplish this. You can even offer Q&A’s.
4. Early Bird Notices – Tell your list subscribers about new products before you announce them to the world. Giving them a few days to purchase at a discounted “early bird” rate is a great thing to include in your email marketing and makes your subscribers feel very special!
5. Feedback Questions – Using your email as a way to get feedback on potential new products or services is a great way to encourage engagement. You can do it via questionnaire or poll. Your list will love providing feedback and helping you space your future products!

6. Testimonials – Including a section for customer testimonials is a great way to recognize your clients as well as to provide social proof to newsletter subscribers who have not purchased from you yet.
7. Share Buttons – Inviting your email marketing subscribers to share certain emails that don’t have exclusive material is a great way to improve your subscription rate, and will also make your current members feel included in your community.
8. Reminders – Is there a certain event, season, deadline, or holiday that you could remind your list about? Reminding people about upcoming important events is a great way to build value with your subscribers!
9. Local Community Events – There is so much going on in your community, why not share it with your email list! Let them know what is going on around them that may interest your subscribers. Highlight fun and unique events as well as community and non-profit events to help your subscribers find fun things to do in their area.
Ensure that you include a variety of different things in your email marketing campaigns that are designed to get a response and you won’t be disappointed in the results. In addition to the nine items above, never forget to include a call to action (CTA) in each newsletter that you send out. Without a CTA there is no point to the newsletter. So, be clear about that before you start.
Happy Emailing!
If you are interested in Email Marketing services or Website Design contact Marketing Maiden today – we are the team you can trust!