Your marketing can just be noise if you don’t know what to post. Check out these awesome examples to help inspire you.
Marketing Strategy
The 11 Basics of SEO You Should Know
SEO is vital to growing your business and standing out in today’s online world. Learn the 11 basics of SEO you need to know to help your business grow!
Increase Your Email Conversion Rate by Keeping Emails Simple
Keeping your emails simple and to the point is the best way to increase your email conversion rate fast!
Discover 8 Types of Freebies You Can Use to Grow Your Email Marketing List Fast
A freebie is a popular way to entice a new subscriber to provide their contact information so that you can put them on your email list. Even today, it’s still a great way to get someone to sign up for your email marketing list. Here are 8 different types of freebies that any business owner can use to help grow their email marketing list and their business fast!
What the Hell Do I Put In My Email Anyway?!
Knowing what to put in your email marketing campaigns is as important as actually creating the emails. They say that “the money is in your list”, but if you don’t send out regular email marketing messages, you’ll miss out on the additional income that your list can generate through nurturing great customer relationships.
Knowing what to include in your email marketing can be such a time waster! Many business owners get completely blocked by this, give up, and don’t send out an email at all. Today, I am ensuring this never happens to you by giving you 9 different ideas for content that you can include in your next email marketing campaign.
How to Identify Your Ideal Customer and Build a Simple Customer Persona {Video and Worksheet}
Building a customer persona can be very overwhelming and time-consuming but it is extremely important to your business and marketing activities. Use our simple worksheet to help you identify your ideal customer using the who, what, where, when and why method in under 10 minutes!