As leaders of our lives and businesses, how we choose to handle the millions of situations we are faced with – can make a huge difference in our success. You may opt to have a pessimist’s point of view and live a self-defeated life or you may decide to take the optimist’s route and live an exciting and fulfilling life. It is all a choice.
Small Business Owner Inspiration
Welcome To A Summer Of Opportunities!
It is time to focus on the rest of 2020. How do you want the second half of this year to go? What goals or dreams did you set way back in January that you still want to happen? What are you not willing to give up on? This is what you should focus on for the rest of the year.
The Strawberry Full Moon And Business Owners
The Strawberry Full Moon is a time of increased energy since it is a time of very focused energy. You may get some great ideas or feel really passionate about a new project and just want to go after it. Use that passion to grow your business.
The Mindset Secret For Growing and Being Successful During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shifting your mindset from lack to prosperity through gratitude for all you do have is a game changer. It is the difference between being successful through this or failing.
Meredith Siss, of Marketing Maiden Named a Constant Contact Certified Solution Provider
Meredith Siss, of Marketing Maiden, Named a Constant Contact Certified Solution Provider. Loveland, Co-marketing expert to help small businesses and nonprofits achieve meaningful marketing results
Don’t Cross The Streams!
Why you should segment your Email Marketing lists and where to get started!